Expert Tips To Fell Down Trees Safely and Efficiently

Expert Tips To Fell Down Trees Safely and Efficiently

Let’s be honest – not all are as sturdy as lumberjacks, working with an ax and chainsaw from birth. To chop off a tree safely we must be trained (or at least have some prior experience) on tree cutting New Jersey methods – before we actually take on the ax and put on the boots.

📌 According to a survey, between 2010 to 2020 – 57 enthusiastic DIY homeowners in NY suffered fatal accidents while trying to scale trees after watching DIY tree removal videos.

It’s wise not to follow such Internet tutorials blindly. Anytime you are handling such complex activities,  trust only tree experts – who have dedicated their career training to cutting down trees safely and effectively.

Professional Tree Cutting Guide

In the following sections, we will talk about: 

  Tools You’ll Need For Efficient Tree Removal

  Tree Cutting Safety Tips

  Step-by-step Guide Of Cutting Trees 

Tools For Safe Tree Cutting 

The first step in cutting down a tree is –  having the right equipment and tools- which varies depending on the type of tree you’re planning to cut. 

A checklist of professionals tree cutting tools:

  Hard Hat Or Helmet

  Safety Goggles

  Safety Visors Shielding The Face

  Hearing Protection

  Heavy-Duty Work Gloves

  Closed Toe Shoes

  Kevlar Chaps


  An Axe

  Quality Chainsaw With A Sharp Chain

  Tree Felling Wedges


  Long, Sturdy Cable Or Rope

 First Aid Kit

Tree Cutting Safety Tips

You can’t afford to joke around or show carelessness with trees. While preparing to cut down a tree, follow these two major tree safety tips to keep yourself safe during the process.

Tip 1: Swing Only In Frontal Area 

Never stand directly in front of the tree you’re planning to cut down. Offset yourself so that the tree is only in front of your head foot.  And a way to do this is to look straight ahead past the tree from the position and not directly at it. 

This stance ensures two things:

  Allows more follow-through on your swing

  Reduces chances of injury anytime the ax head bounces off the tree 

Tip 2: Take Account Of the Surroundings 

Always check the area before cutting down tree branches. Often nearby trees get entangled with the falling tree. Also, power lines get disrupted by falling branches. 

Make sure you take care of that!

Step By Step Guide To Fell Down A Tree

After arranging the tools and ensuring safety, time to get down to the task. Start by making the area ready. Then make two cuts – “the front cut and the back cut” – and we will discuss all about it in detail.

Step 1: Prepare And Clear The Work Area

Clean the area above and around your head and shoulders. The goal is to cut back any branches that your ax swing might catch in.

Extend your arms with the ax in hand.  If any tree limbs are blocking your way, remove them away. The last thing you want in your tree cutting is your ax getting stuck to a branch.

Also, clear away any rocks and roots that might possibly get in your work.

Finally, decide which direction the tree is going to fall. Look up and see whether it’s a clear path. Or if there are any large branches that could block its fall. 

If there are hindrances while felling the tree, 

  Change the felling angle

  Clear blocking limbs (often impractical)

  Disentangle the tree when you remove it (an extremely dangerous process)

Step 3: Cutting The Tree

Tree cutting process can be divided into two main parts: creating the front cut and the back cut. If done correctly, this will ensure the tree falls  in the right direction.

Step 4: Making the Front And Back Cut

The front cut in tree cutting is made at 45 degrees. Make this cut on the side of the tree that is facing the direction of the fall. The bottom cut should be horizontal and the top cut at a diagonal angle.

You can make the front cuts by alternating each swing. Or you can make a few cuts on one angle of the tree first. Then make the next few cuts at the other angle. Make sure not to cut further back than the center of the tree.

Next, you’ll have to make the back cut. This cut will weaken the tree trunk and slowly it will make the tree fall by itself.  You can make the back cut with an ax. But it’s more precise and easier with a saw.

Step 5: Handling The Tree After Felling

The back cut will put the tree on the ground or nearly so. Next, get rid of any limbs holding it up and preventing its removal. Start at the bottom of the tree and chop upwards. It should be in the growing direction of the tree limbs and branches. 

👉  Recommended Post must read: Do you Need Certified Arborists For your Tree Care?

Need Tree Cutting? Our Experts Can Help!

If you’re in search of an expert for tree cutting service in New Jersey, we can always connect with Branch Specialists in New Jersey.  We don’t believe in boosting, but our professional services, and reasonable service prices backed by arborists training and experience will leave no room for dissatisfaction. 

Just like we use only top-notch equipment, we appoint only skilled and professional tree arborists that are excellent at their job and assure quality services. 

Connect with us to book a tree inspection!

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