Large Tree Transplanting: Everything You Should Know About!

A mature tree can instantly enhance your land’s beauty and provide a fantastic relaxing shade to enjoy. Not to mention the other environmental benefits it brings to your garden. 

We all know trees take time (often years) to mature and reach their full potential. And homeowners who love trees are willing to go to any length to preserve them.

But what happens if your beloved trees stand in the way of your landscape construction?

Luckily there are some ways to transplant trees to a different location!

But before we start, let’s brush up on the basics.

What Is Large Tree Transplanting?

Large tree transplanting is a delicate technique used by professionals to move large trees to a different location to preserve them and sometimes increase the curb appeal of the space.

The tree transplanting job requires a detailed prepared plan, tree removing experts on the field, and the best practices for digging and root protection to ensure the tree survives and be healthy at the new location.

When Is The Best Time To Transplant A Tree?

As you already have figured out, large tree transplantation is tricky. So for better chances of success, you need to pick the best time.

Regardless of the size, the best time for transplanting most trees is during the dormant period – when they aren’t actively growing and trying to support their leaves, flowers, and fruit growth.

 When is the dormant period?

The dormant period is when the deciduous have lost their leaves, or the evergreens/conifers have reduced the supply of nutrients and water to canopies. Carrying out the process in the dormant period reduces the chances of suffering any transplant shock.

Remember, different trees have distinct preferences. Also, the local climate of the area plays a major role – so it’s best to get the tree inspected by an expert arborist who can let you know the best time for transplanting the tree.

Apart from timing, there are some other factors too, that dictate whether the tree transplantation would be a success or not.

Factors That Govern a Successful Tree Transplantation

Some of the factors that help decide whether a large tree transplanting is possible or not:

  • Location: The location of the tree plays a major role in transplant. If there is a lot of space and structures in between the current tree location and the destined one, only the best professionals will be able to work around all the landscape structures, power lines, etc.
  • Tree Size: The larger the tree size, the more difficult it is to move, and the more equipment is needed to capture the sufficient amount of root system and safely move it to the new surroundings.
  • Client Specifications: Many homeowners usually want a specific place where they would like the tree to be planted. While with the help of expert arborists of Branch Specialists New Jersey, our special equipment, and additional time, it could be possible. However, sometimes the destined locations are not compatible, and transplanting may not be possible. During such situations, our experts will advise you on the best area for transplantation. 
  • Crew Expertise: Larger trees are tricker to relocate. Along with needing specialized pieces of equipment, it requires seasoned arborists that can analyze factors including tree health, soil quality, root strength, etc. 

Selecting and hiring the best tree removal services can ensure that the tree can be transplanted successfully and preserved after it is moved to a new location.

Your Takeaway!

If you have a large tree at your property that needs to be moved, call a professional large tree transplanting service and get an inspection of whether it can be moved to the new location and how much it would cost you.

New Jersey’s Residents can contact Branch specialists, which is famous as the best tree removal company in the city. We house some of the best arborists in New Jersey who can help with removing or relocating big trees with ease. Connect to know more!

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